Wednesday, August 25, 2010

LDS Hymns Updates

Sorry for the lack up updates here.  A new version of LDS Hymns has just been released with a significant improvement.  It now includes both English and Spanish versions of the hymns with easy switching between them!  The app is also now compatible with the iPhone 4 Retina Display and multitasking in iOS 4.

With these changes I also took the time to make it very easy to add additional languages in the future.  Someone is working on adding Portuguese right now.  If anyone would like to help add additional languages, please let me know.  The limiting factor is that I need to the hymns in native PDF format - not scanned.  The only other language in this format (that I know of) is French.  If you know otherwise, please let me know.

Thanks for your support!


  1. I can help you if you want to translate it in french

  2. Can't you just create it in open office or something similar, and then create a pdf out of that? I guess I'm not sure what you mean by needing it in native PDF format. I have a Korean and Russian hymn book, if you tell me exactly what you need I should be able to help out with Korean and maybe I can convince my wife to help out with the Russian. email me at monkeyboy157 at hotmail dot com

  3. I am more than willing to do a translation in Thai if you tell me what I need to do. I too have the hymns in Thai and would love to see a digital format of the hymns. Email me at

  4. Sorry, I didn't really see a better place to put this request, but would you ever consider making the LDS Hymns/Children's Songbook apps for Android? I really loved both apps on iPhone (they came in handy in church and for FHE), but have recently ditched AT&T, meaning I also switched to Android. A couple of Android apps have the hymn lyrics, but none of them have the music, which is a problem for anyone who wants to sing the parts (I do). I don't know anything about programming, so I don't know how difficult it would be to make an Android version, but I for one would love it if you did. Thanks!

  5. I recently noticed a problem with English hymns. When a hymn is selected, the page is automatically zoomed in. You cannot zoom out, you can scroll vertically. Scrolling horizontally is difficult, usually impossible though. Your attention is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  6. I love this app and really appreciate any work you do on it. I play the organ and would love to use this app as much as possible, but I need one change. I can't scroll vertically and play the organ at the same time, so I need to be able to see all the music from top to bottom without scrolling. This would be mostly possible if the top title bar would disappear, but it would also be great if you could double-tap to change the margins from the typical justifing vertically to justifying horizontally. Anyway, bless you for your good work! Thanks!

  7. I also have switched over to Android when I purchased the Samsung Galaxy Tab instead of the iPad. I would love to see an android version!

  8. Hello everyone I am currenly working on lds hymns for android. You can follow me on twitter to see the progress @AndroLDSHymns

  9. Any chance of a version for BlackBerry and/or Kindle? I refuse to jump on the ibandwagon...
